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On-Demand Client Priority Service
Business can't stop when something happens to your computer and with hyperSven's On-Demand Client Priority Service, it won't have to.

hyperSven constantly amazes its clients when we can fix a troubling problem for them, nearly instantly, with just a phone call to our office.  While other computer repair and consultants will "try" to have a technician to your place of business by the end of the day at best, we have already corrected your issue and allowed you to keep on working.  hyperSven's industry leading practice of taking care of our customer in its time of need makes us stand out among the others.  We know that if your computers go down, you need to get them up as soon as possible or your productivity for the day - at best - has gone down the tubes.  Calling in the time of need to hear the dreaded words of, "We're very busy today but we'll do our best to get someone to you by the morning," isn't good enough.  That's why with hyperSven's On-Demand Client Priority Service, you get just that, priority and immediate assistance.  Priced surprisingly low, you'll be glad you added this service to your business the first time a business-stopping issue arises.

While we've been flattered by our customers responses such as, "You're a life saver," and, "We don't know what we would do without you guys," the On-Demand Client Priority Service isn't just for emergencies.  It allows you to call our support team and have a simple or complex computer question  answered for you.  From little things on how to make a title bold and right aligned in Microsoft Word, to how to restore a back-up in QuickBooks to even a question about your proprietary software, hyperSven is there to help answer any and all computer questions.  Our program also goes the extra mile by proactively protecting your computers monthly by checking anti-virus, anti-spyware, security, program logs, and insure that your computer is protected from any security vulnerabilities.  All included in the unbelievably low monthly price.  We completely agree with the heavyweight prizefighter Jack Dempsey who once said, "The best defense is a good offense."

In fact, most do not realize the dangers of turning on their computer, PC or Mac, every time they press the power switch.  With nearly every computer connected to a network today, this has opened a unseen door for criminals, bored kids, and disgruntled employees to your computer.  In a recent report from Sophos, a well known and respected security firm, some staggering statistics were published.  A sample of these figures along with some from other security sources showed:

• 94% of Internet connected PCs are infected
• 89.7 percent of all business email is spam
• 22 million known viruses and spyware (malware) and rapidly growing
• ID fraud nabbed 10 million people in 2008
• Facebook & Twitter favorite new avenue for spreading malware
• 23,500 new infected web pages are discovered every day - That’s one every 3.6 seconds!
• Fake Anti-virus programs costing users millions
• USB sticks circumvent security and spread malware
• Hackers can gain full control of PC by using popular programs such as Adobe Acrobat
• Windows Auto-Update not auto

While many businesses feel they are safe with Norton or McAfee installed or their high school neighbor looking after their computers, truth is, there is no insurance for your reputation!  If you're hacked and valuable client data is obtained by unauthorized users, your business may not be able to withstand the fierce tsunami of legal action.  While no company can guarantee absolute protection from such attacks, hyperSven's Support Services can greatly reduce your chance of being selected as some dark figures next target.